Student Associations

AMM - Association musicale de Malakoff

The AMM promotes and shares music among its music loving members.

Contact :

Website : Association Musicale de Malakoff

Room no. 1


The mission of this association is to promote international solidarity, the environment, human rights and cultural diversity through humanitarian, volunteer and cultural activities. It also aims to promote student life within the Faculty through a range of activities.

Contact :

Facebook page

Website : Communityp5

Lysias Paris

Lysias Paris promotes the practice of public speaking and law, and contributes a dynamic element to student life by organizing the Lysias Eloquence and Debate Competition each year at Université Paris Cité.

Contact :

Facebook page




Descartes Stop aux violences

President : Audrey SOLIGNAC
Contacts :


The Association Cartésienne des Étudiants en Économie-Gestion (Descartes Association of Students in Economics and Management) represents the interests of students in economics and management, and contributes to their academic fulfilment.

Facebook page

Together for earth

President : Feyza Ben Ajmi
Contacts :
Facebook page
Instagram : t4edescartes


The Association of M2 Students in Tax Law defends the material and moral interests of students and alumni of the program. The association organizes activities for students such as symposiums, conferences and festive events.

Contacts :

Facebook page

Website :

Association of M2 Students in International Business Law - JAI

The Association of M2 Students in International Business Law fosters the professional and academic development of its members, and promotes the master’s program at the national and international levels.

Facebook page
Website : m2JAIdescartes

Association of M2 Students in Law of Health Product Industries
Association of M2 Students in Medical Activities and Legal Responsibilities
Des Films et Descartes

The Des Films et Descartes Association sets out to develop student life at the University by organizing a range of cultural and festive events focusing on the cinema.

President : Arthur de Broglie
Contacts :
Facebook page


The Malakoff Student Office was the first association created at the Faculty of Law. The main aim is to promote and improve student life at the Faculty by organizing a vast array of activities for all students.

President : Elise Lachevrie
Contact :
Facebook page
Website : BDEM

European Law Student Association (ELSA) of Paris

ELSA Paris sets out to foster cooperation among law students, lecturers and legal professionals. The association organizes a number of activities, the most popular being the Debate Competition that takes place each year at the Faculty.

Facebook page
Website : elsa.paris05

Révolte-toi Descartes

The Révolte-toi Descartes Association, a branch of the Fédération Francophone de Débat (FFD), aims at promoting French language and culture through debate and public speaking.

President : Noah Graziani Breeze
 Facebook page


L’Optimiste is an association that aims to contribute to student life at the Faculty by organizing cultural and artistic events.

President : Manon Leroy
Contact :
Facebook page
Website : l’Optimiste


Created in 2012 by the students from the first year group of the Dual Degree Program in Law, Economics and Management, the association sets out to promote dual degree programs at Université Paris Cité.

Contact :
Facebook page
LinkedIn group

AMAN - Association of M2 Students in Digital Activity Law

AMAN fosters interactions among the year groups of the master’s program and organizes a range of activities to promote the degree.

Contacts :
Facebook page
Website : m2dan

UP Afrique

President: Cherifia Atteib Doutoum


Association of Université Paris Cité M2 Students in Business Law

The association represents students and alumni of the program.

Contacts :
Facebook page
Website : master-affaires

Association of M2 Students in Law of Civil and Commercial Obligations
Start Descartes

This association aims to place motivated students in contact with professionals and individual consumers who need specific services related to law, economics, management, information technology and statistics.

President : Elyot Denis

Contacts :
  Facebook page
Website :